Kurt Laidlaw

Your 4D Board of Directors approved this “Policy for Reimbursement of Expenses Groups Attending Events” at its February 21, 2015 meeting:

1. Requests for reimbursement must be turned into the 4D treasurer within 30 days of an event.

2. Travel reimbursement will be made at the current Federal non-profit reimbursement rate for the vehicle(s) towing the trailer(s) carrying 4D-owned equipment from its storage location to the show and back. If no parking is available at the event, multiple trips for the same event may be claimed.

3. 4D will also reimburse tolls for ferries and bridges for the vehicle(s) towing the group trailer(s).

4. 4D will not reimburse drivers of other vehicles attending a show without prior approval. (Group funds managed by 4D may be spent as desired by each modular group. Budget requests are for specific projects approved by the BOD as part of the budget process.)

If you have questions, feel free to contact the 4D’s treasurer, Mike Donnelly. His (and every other officer’s) address is on the 4D website’s Contact Us page.