David Yadock

Don’t worry, there is still time to volunteer!

Yes, the Pacific Science Center Show still needs volunteers. This is the premier fundraiser for the 4th Division. This year’s show will be a little smaller in size but the need for volunteers is just as great. Any amount of time will be appreciated. So, come join your fellow modelers and help promote the hobby. This is the perfect opportunity for all those armchair model railroaders to become active in this local event. Remember, parking is free and you have access to the Pacific Science Center.

As noted on the 4D PSC web page, the show is Saturday January 17 through Monday January 19 (MLK weekend). On Friday the exhibitor set-up will commence at 5 pm and last till 9 pm. On Saturday the show starts at 8:30 am and lasts till 6 pm. Sunday and Monday the show is from 9 am till 6 pm. After the show on Monday will be layout load out till 9 pm. This year will be critical for help since we will not have one of our load in/load out docks available.

If you want to help out please contact me at hi61izq@hotmail.com or 425-226-7518.