Cliff Green

cliff_greenWelcome, new 4th Division NMRA members! I’ve completed updating the Grab Iron e-mail notification list with the new members from the last two months as well as members that have renewed and changed their e-mail addresses. Any time a Grab Iron blog post is created and published you will receive an e-mail notification.

As always, if you do not wish to receive these notifications, let me (Cliff, know and I’ll be happy to remove you.

Over the last few weeks minor updates have been made to the 4th Div web site (, mostly updating contact and clinic info). In upcoming months more significant updates will happen, including web templates that are more “responsive”, which means it handles smart phones and tablets in a more intelligent manner. More details in future Grab Iron posts.

There is a wealth of model railroading expertise available in this area, and a good place to encounter it is at one of the 4th Div clinics (see the 4D web site “Clinics” page for more info). I urge everyone to take advantage of it whenever possible. Most of the clinic organizers provide overviews and reports in the Grab Iron, but reading blog posts can’t compare to attending in person.

Happy holidays to everyone, and I hope you have time to do a bit of model railroading in addition to (or in conjunction with!) family and friend time.