Al Babinsky, Photos by Chip

Since I was not able to attend the clinic I want to thank Chip for doing the steno duties and taking the photos which will comprise most of this report.

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic and asked for announcements. The primary announcement is the 4D convention in June at the LaQuinta inn in Tacoma.

Walt Huston presented Scott Taylor with 2 civil AP awards.

The video library was available and Bill of Tacoma Trains presented What’s New at the Hobby Shop (rather slim as can be seen by the photo).

Bring and Brag (model of the month) had several entries with the winner being Diane Kraus’s control tower.

Tip of the Month: Construction foam does last, with an example layout (recently disassembled) lasting 12 years. Gaps for a juicer and reverser need distance.

After the break Jim Sabol presented his clinic on successful soldering:

If you’re doing something wrong, stop it, if you aren’t doing something, start.

Different metals solder differently and you need to learn each and make sure that both pieces are clean. Use whatever methods work best, such as sandpaper, files, scrapers, and acid (if needed). Do not use acid when soldering electrical components. The soldering tip needs to be clean and tinned and use rosin core solder and flux with electrical components. Hold both parts still until the solder turns dull and then clean off excess flux. Always use the correct size soldering iron for the job, large pieces need a high wattage iron and electronics need a low wattage iron. Walt Huston and Dale Kraus assisted in a demonstration soldering N scale equipment and decoders.

Next month’s clinic will be on layout presentation and will be presented by Dale Kraus.

Due to a little timing problem we could not get our usual place, so please note that next month’s clinic will be at the Summit Library 5107 112th Street East which is just of Canyon Road. The date is 13th of March at the usual time of 7:30 PM.

Soldering Clinic                                                                                                               Award Presentation

Jim Sabol


Hobby ShopWhat’s new at the hobby shop




Bring and Brag4

Bring and Brag2







Bring and BragBring and Brag3






Bring and Brag winner