Al Babinsky


MMR Gene Swanson opened the “Dirty Santa” clinic on time with 48 modelers present. The normal program was dispensed with the exception of the Bring & Brag (Model of the Month). An announcement was made that we had good donations for the food bank. Gene called for a moment of silence for the casualties of the December 7th attack on Pearl Harbor.

Wain Miller sent the clinic member roster around to make last minute corrections. The roster will be used to make up membership badges.

Herb Buhl called for the owners of the Bring & Brag to describe their entries. Wain Miller operated the video camera to show the entries as the owners described them. Kurt Laidlaw brought a diorama entitled “Crossing the White River.” Gene Swanson brought a removable section for his railroad with a trestle that functioned as a duck-under when in place. Dale Krause had a scratchbuilt clamshell crane to be used in his coaling facility. This month’s winner was Kurt Laidlaw’s White River diorama.


Prior to the Dirty Santa we had an excellent buffet dinner with cake and ice cream, with Dave Liesse entertaining us at the keyboard.

After dinner Dirty Santa arrived and a good time was had by all. Many presents changed hands numerous times, especially the ones that had tools. After the conclusion of Dirty Santa, we had a drawing for door prizes. Gene did a great job of collecting a large number of items and, as it turned out, everyone got a door prize.


We want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope to see you in the next year. Our next clinic will be on Jan 9th at 7:30 PM at our usual place in the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg. the corner of 112th Street and Waller road. The clinic will be on programming with the SPROG and JMRI and programming with DigiTrax DCC on a specially built programming setup and given by Al Babinsky.

Hope to see you there.