Jack Hamilton, MMR

PSX2014 LogoI have been attending model railroad conventions at the division, region, and national level for about 20 years. Obviously, I find something in them or I would not keep going back.

First and foremost are the friends I have made over the years. Convention is our time to catch-up and share experiences. Second is the ability to learn in a very concentrated time period. I go to plenty of local clinics and, as an AP Evaluator, I get to visit a fair number of layouts. At conventions, I get to attend clinics from very knowledgeable people, many of whom I have not previously met, presenting subject matter I always wanted to know more about. I also get a chance to visit local industries and rail facilities as well as some really great layouts.

In the end, in a concentrated period, I spend time with old friends, make new friends, learn more about the hobby, expand my skill set, and get to visit facilities and layouts that I would otherwise never even know existed. How could I pass up that opportunity?

I really would like to see you in Tacoma in June so we can share together. Register now at http://www.PSX2014/