David Yadock

The Pacific Science Center Model Railroad show will be happening next January 18-20, 2014. It will be the 40th anniversary of this event. Since this will be a very important anniversary year it has been suggested that a banquet be held. The banquet would be on Sunday evening following the closing of the show. The cost per person would be around $10-15. Since the banquet would be held at their facility we would be required to use one of their caterers.

At this time I would like to assess how many people would like to attend the banquet. If there is enough interest then we will have it at the Pacific Science Center. If there isn’t sufficient interest then we may need to re-think the plan and look for other options. We would need approximately 75 people in attendance. Please email me (David Yadock) at hi61izq@hotmail.com.

Thank you.