John Le Forestier, for the JAM Project

July 2, 2013 Is the hundredth anniversary of John Allen’s birth. John created the world-famous Gorre and Daphetid Railroad. This year, your fellow model railroaders everywhere are asked to salute the Wizard of Monterey with a flapjack (pancake) breakfast, complete with strawberry JAM and coffee. Then raise your cups in a salute to John.

If you don’t like flapjacks, substitute something else but JAM is essential! Why jam? “John Allen Memorial.” Strawberry jam is the most appropriate, since it’s the main field crop in the Monterrey/Carmel area, where John lived.

You may also consider spending at least a few minutes that day looking at John’s fabulous photos of his amazing model railroad!

Try to get together with other railroaders to help mark this special date!