Ed Liesse, Photos by Ed Liesse

JJ Johnston welcomed about 35 attendees to the March Eastside Get-Together. After his usual introduction of “notables” in attendance, he turned the floor over to 4D Superintendent Ken Liesse for several announcements before Ken had to leave to get back to work on a final exam for school.

Ken commented on the upcoming 4D Board of Directors election, stating there were three positions up for election: two Directors and Assistant Superintendent. Anyone interested in running for any of these positions send their candidate statement to Ed Liesse by Saturday, March 30. This includes incumbents planning to run for re-election! This is a definite cutoff date since the ballot will be going to press April 1. Ken also mentioned the need for everyone to make sure the NMRA has your current email address in their database. More and more NMRA, PNR and 4D communication will be coming via email. Send your email address to Ed Liesse, PNR Co-Office Manager, when it changes.

Ken mentioned the upcoming 4D Spring Meet, but left the details to Chairman Russ Segner, who reiterated the meet will be May 18, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tukwila. Cost will be $20, which includes lunch! He has a great assembly of clinicians that will force attendees to decide which of the 12 clinics to attend. Three occur at the same time (in different rooms, of course). There will be 4 presentation times, with no clinics repeated. After the last clinic, the 4D Annual Meeting will be held,  plus the presentation of awards, including the Golden Grab Iron Award. At the conclusion of the meeting, maps will be distributed for Sunday’s layout tours. You must be present and registered for the Meet to get the maps. Your Spring Meet badge should be worn during Sunday’s layout tours. Watch for further announcements in the next few weeks through Internet communications with updates on the Spring Meet.

JJ announced The Inside Gateway hobby shop will move from Bellevue to Woodinville effective the first part of April. He had maps available for the new location. He then asked if we had any new attendees and Alex Brown stood, introduced himself, and said he was just getting back into the hobby after a long hiatus. He was welcomed to the group and, later on, won one of the door prizes!

John Thompson's Superior Company Store

John Thompson’s Superior Company Store

The Model of the Month contest had only two real entries this month. John Thompson won with his model of the Superior Company Store. There were also displays for the upcoming Spring Meet and an attendee’s photo display of a trip to China.

After the break, JJ reminded us that last month we decided to take a collection for the NMRA Display at the CaliforniaStateRailroadMuseum in Sacramento showing the history of model railroading. After passing the hat, we ended up with $180 to send to NMRA from the Eastside Get-Together. Thanks to all! We challenge every other 4D Clinic to do the same for this good cause!

JJ then introduced CJ Riley, MMR, our clinic presenter for the night. The original clinic CJ planned to do, using a PowerPoint presentation, wouldn’t open right on the computer, so he substituted other pictures he had and spoke about them. This turned into an interesting presentation of freight and passenger cars constructed from the 20s to 50s with CJ explaining differences in construction and use. CJ promised to get the original clinic working and come back at a future date to present it. The makeshift clinic was enjoyed by all. Thanks, CJ.

The evening was closed out with our door prize drawings purloined from Steve Depolo at The Inside Gateway hobby shop. The next Eastside Get-Together will be April 18. Come join us!