Al Babinsky / Photos by Chip Van Gilder

MMR Gene Swanson opened the clinic on time as usual with a total of 40 modelers and guest in attendance.

It was reported that the Corkscrew Northern, built by Ken Gentili and others, was destroyed. The CN had been looking for a new home since the Boys and Girls club needed the space.

Model of the Month or, as we call it “The Bring and Brag,” had a number of great entries. Chip brought Eddy Fisher Leasing locomotive which he painted and detailed along with a string of hopper cars most of which he stripped and repainted. Walt brought in 3 NW2’s which modified by adding 3-chime horns, beacons, and removed steps along with 2 depressed-center metal body flatcars. They had the wheels replaced and body mounted couplers installed. He also built 2 MDC boxcar kits and detailed them for his railroad. Dave brought a loggers cabin wood kit. Scott showed an Atlas HO lumber yard kit and a 137% enlarged version scratchbuilt along with a saw house. Chris had a heavily-weathered hopper with graffiti and excursion caboose with a load of passengers. Gene showed a Silver Streak kit to which he added Kadee sprung trucks and couplers. George Bouncier from Tacoma Trains presented “What’s New at the Hobby Shop,” with a number of items in several scales, including a Z scale hopper pack. The Model of Month was won by Scott Groft’s scratchbuilt lumber yard.

After the break Jim Sabot and Robert Grove presented their clinic on the DuPont Narrow Gauge. The E. I. DuPont Powder Works had an extensive 3’ narrow gauge network at their plant to transport raw material and finished product within the plant area and to the deep water wharf. They operated a 12-ton Plymouth diesel with homebuilt rolling stock. A very informative clinic along with a slide show and information on the restoration effort of some rolling stock.

Next month’s clinic by Dale Kraus will an update on decoders. We’ll meet in our usual location in the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg., corner of Waller Road and 112 Street, at 7:30 pm. Please come and join us.

(As always, click a photo to enlarge.)

Walt's Nscale equipment

Walt’s N scale equipment

Strppied and re-painted Loco and Hopper cars

Stripped and re-painted Loco and Hopper cars

Lumber yard and Silver Streak boxcar

Lumber yard and Silver Streak boxcar

Logging shed

Logging shed

Filling lead shot

Filling lead shot