Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

Donations for “The Magic of Scale Model Railroading” Exhibit at theCaliforniaStateRailroadMuseum continue to pour in, including:

  • The World’s Greatest Hobby campaign has pledged $50,000
  • Cincinnati Division 7, in the Mid-Central Region, has pledged $15,000

Current pledge and donation now total over $200,000, but the NMRA still needs an additional $50,000 to meet the $250,000 matching challenge pledge by an anonymous donor. If you, your Division or Region, have any questions about the exhibit, please contact Howell Day Museum Committee Chairman Allen Pollock at 573-619-8532. You can also contribute at the NMRA website by clicking on “donation” near the top of the homepage.

The Winter Board of Directors Meeting will be held inAtlanta,Georgia, at the Sheraton Suites Galleria-Atlanta, on February 8–10. Although the Board meets in a closed caucus the evening of February 8, the rest of the meetings are open to all NMRA members., the model railroad association ofChinawhich has aligned itself with the NMRA, has invited the NMRA President and a few other NMRA officials to tour the new, highly-restricted Chinese High Speed Rail factory and facilities in February. No foreign visitors have ever viewed these facilities. Hasea is a network of 100,000 Chinese rail fans and modelers. The NMRA Board has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Hasea to share our standards and organizational knowledge.

The Peachtree Express 2013 website now lists all prototype, general interest, and layout tours. There are photos and some videos of the layouts. Watch NMRA Magazine for Peachtree Express 2013 layout features.

Bill Kaufman, Vice President of Special Projects, is spearheading a new eBulletin concept – an electronic communication sent regularly via email to interested NMRA members. The project is still in the planning stages and will be presented to the Board of Directors at the Winter Meeting in February.

I’d like to repeat this important news again this month: John Stevens, the NMRA Secretary, has announced the slate of candidates for the 2013 national elections. Ballots will be in NMRA members’ hands early next year. Candidates are:

At-Large Worldwide Director:
  • Stan Ames
  • Mike Brestel
  • Larry Smith, MMR
  • Leslie Eaton, MMR
Atlantic District Director:
  • Alain Kap
  • Kathy Millatt
Western District Director
  • Larry Alfred, MMR
  • Jack Hamilton, MMR

Western Director (and 4D member!) Jack Hamilton and his committee are working on a new Long Range Plan for the NMRA. Jack is seeking input from members. He writes, “The October edition of NMRA Magazine put out a general call to members for input for NMRA strategic planning. There have been a number of excellent responses to the call but not nearly in the numbers that might be suggested by the normal level of grousing and gripes about the organization. This is your opportunity to make a difference and have some direct say in the direction the NMRA takes into our future. This is your organization and your ideas and input will be treated with equal value and respect. Please read the October article and make your desires known to Western District Director Jack Hamilton via email or mail at10731 Warren Road NW,Silverdale,WA 98383.”

Lastly, on a personal note, I’ve turned in my resignation as Communications Director as of the Winter Board meeting. It’s been a fun run and I’ve enjoyed it. I don’t exactly know what the fate of these InfoNet News eblasts will be beyond January – that will be up to my successor. So if you or anyone you know would like to apply for the position, please email President Charlie Getz.

I hope everyone has a peaceful, restful, and wonderful holiday season!