By Al Babinsky

MMR Gene Swanson opened our December Dirty Santa clinic and welcomed everyone. We had one newcomer, Joshua Atkins. He will model in N or HO depending on the space he has. Jim Sabol asked that if you shop at Tacoma Trains, make a small donation so that a train set can be purchased and given to a needy youngster.

The Model of the Month category had several entries, but two of them stood out: a kit-bashed box factory and a 1930s Marklin enameled tinplate station model. The model of the month was won by Mike Shaw and Gene Swanson for their joint effort on the box factory.

The main event of the was preceded by a buffet-style spread complete with dessert, including ice cream.

Santa arrived and started the main event by having a name drawn, which happened to be Tyler. He went straight for a large package that turned out to be a puzzle picture and taped to the back were 4 tickets for a trip on the MRSR (Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad). The next name drawn was Gene and he proceeded to steal the picture. So it went for the rest of the evening. The picture with the tickets changed hands numerous times as did a NWSL Duplicutter. In the end, Tyler was able to get the picture back since he had the hammer being the first name drawn.

In conclusion, the entire clinic staff sang “I wish you a Merry Christmas” to the group and thanked for their support.

I want to apologize for being late with this report; too many happenings and time got away from me. I wish all a belated Merry Christmas and an on time Happy New Year.

Our January 2012 clinic will be by Duane Daamgaard on mines. We’ll meet at our usual place, the Pierce County Library Admin. Bldg. at the corner of 112th St. and Waller Rd., starting at 7:30 PM.