JJ Johnston

There were great December meeting gifts for everyone and lots of “stealing” under the official “Dirty Santa” rules. One notable exception was the absence this year of a white elephant gift. There was lots of really cool stuff.

David Yadock won Model of the Month for his mostly scratchbuilt HO station and was awarded first choice at the gifts.

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Roger Ferris, who attended the NMRA convention in July, went to their Nonquet (which is what they called their banquet with no dinner) and won a door prize: a G scale Bachman 175th Anniversary boxcar.  Roger, after much thought, generously awarded the boxcar to Eastside member Jim Easley in recognition of his leadership in spearheading an amazing outdoor G scale layout involving residents of the Emerald Heights retirement community where he resides. Dr. Jim explained that each boxcar on the layout was donated by a resident of Emerald Heights and every car has a special meaning to each person providing the car. Jim thanked Roger and let him know how special his car will be to their layout.

FUNDRAISING REPORT. Our annual fundraising effort to offer financial assistance to members of the church which furnishes our meeting space, provides room setup, and use of their coffee and supplies, was very generous. We raised a total of $887, which will be divided between three ladies. The first is a 75-year-old grandmother who cared for her granddaughter and then adopted her when her parent went to jail for drug abuse. She lives in the projects on a limited income, has health issues, and has attended our church since 2002 and always gets a ride to attend church. The second lady is a widow of three years with a child in the Philippines where she and her husband were missionaries. She is getting by on food stamps while searching for a job and lives in a home as a guest of a church member. The third lady has had several surgeries and has just undergone another surgery. She only has part-time employment and financial assistance is very meaningful and appreciated over the holidays as she is unable to work until she recovers.

JANUARY 19, 2012. Our first meeting of the new year will feature well-known modeler Ron Cole with a Show And Tell entitled, “What I Learned About Casting Resin Train Parts.” Ron will bring various models, some quite large, along with casting equipment and resin. He will actually cast a few parts during his clinic while showing useful techniques. He will bring train parts used in train kits he successfully produces. This is one of those presentations you won’t want to miss. Reserve the date now!

Happy New Year to everyone.