Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

This year registration for Grand Rails 2012 will be handled in a new way. Instead of the large registration package inserted into NMRA Magazine, the full package can be downloaded from Those who prefer a printed piece can send their request, along with their name and address to: GR 2012 Registrar, 4165 Costa NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525. There will also be a registration form and ad appearing in an upcoming issue of NMRA Magazine.

Speaking of the convention, even though Grand Rails 2012 has over 200 clinic slots filled, they’re still looking for more. If one of your members is interested in presenting, go to and click on the clinic application page. In addition, there’s still some space left for modular layouts at the National Train Show. If some of your members would like to participate, have them visit the convention’s website and click on the “Contact us” link and tell the Convention Committee what you’d like to bring.

Cruise Convention News: Some of our members think the NMRA “invented” the idea of a cruise convention. The fact is, we’re just catching up! Hobby and professional groups have been doing it for quite a while, so if your members are interested in seeing the great time others are having, check out these links:

Adobe Photoshop Cruise
Harley Davidson Cruise
American Medical Association Cruise
Scrapbooking Cruise
Genealogy Cruise

NMRA elections are coming up soon. The official ballot was prepared by the National Nominating Committee according to the procedures laid out in the Regulations and the Executive Handbook (available at It will appear as an insert in the center of the February issue of NMRA Magazine, which will be mailed to all voting members. Ballots must be returned to NMRA headquarters, “Attention Ballot Committee,” and must be postmarked by April 10, 2012 and received by April 15, 2012. Here are the job titles and candidates as they appear on the ballot:


Charles W. Getz, IV, HLM

Vice President – Administration

Howard Goodwin
Clark Kooning, MMR
Dave Thornton

Vice President – Special Projects

Bill Kaufman
James “Lump” Lupfer

At-Large North American Director

Mike Brestel
Miles Hale, MMR

Eastern District Director

John Roberts, MMR, HLM

Pacific District Director

Mike Bartlett
Kelly Loyd
Rob Peterson