By Ken Liesse, Election Committee Chair

Ballots have been counted and the results are in: John Salzetti edged out Rob Jones and has been elected as the new 4D Assistant Superintendent. Al Lowe and Nathan “Stu” Rogers were re-elected to Director, Positions 1 and 3 respectively.

There were 127 total ballots received, with four ballots being disqualified, for a total of 123 valid ballots received. The breakdown of the votes is as follows:

For Assistant Superintendent:

  • John Salzetti, 68 votes
  • Rob Jones, 55 votes

For Director, Position 1:

  • Al Lowe, 121 votes

For Director, Position 3:

  • Ethan “Stu” Rogers, 119 votes
  • Write in Jim Easley, 1 vote
  • Write in Jeff Moorman, 1 vote
  • Write in Chris Fife, 1 vote

Respectfully submitted by your Election Committee: Ken Liesse (Chair), Michael Highsmith and Vincent “Hub” Hubbert.