Gerry Leone, NMRA Communications Director

The NMRA is now on both Facebook and Twitter. For up-to-the-minute news, follow us at either or both.

The National Train Show also has a Facebook page. Follow them and get info about which vendors will be at the show, show specials, and other previews of the NTS.

Membership numbers remain stable. The membership count is 19,495. This represents an increase of 1/3 of 1% over a year ago and a decrease of 1/3 of 1% over five years ago. So if you hear rumors of a “constant decrease in NMRA membership,” quote these figures: it’s stable—and has been for at least five years!

In case you missed last month’s news, the 2011 NMRA election results are in: the NMRA Canada Director is Don Hillman; the Central District Director is Peter Magoun; the Regional Advisory Council Director is Stephen Priest. All Directors will take office at the Sacramento Board Meeting.

The Summer Board Meeting will be held prior to the Sacramento x2011 Convention on Friday, July 1st, in the Beavis Room of the Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, at 9 am (subject to change, of course).

Notice of 2012 elections. All candidate names must be submitted by June 15, 2011 — THIS WEDNESDAY! The following NMRA Officers and Board of Directors positions are open for election in 2012: President, Vice President-Administration, Vice President-Special Projects, Eastern District Director, Pacific District Director, and At-Large North America Director. Please check the NMRA Executive Handbook for qualifications and the extent of the districts. Submit candidate names to Didrik Voss. Remember: by WEDNESDAY!