Doug Bulger

To the Grab Iron’s readers:

The Grab Iron is only as good as the articles submitted for publication. The Grab Iron needs to know about events in a timely manner, with an article and/or images. Time-sensitive events should be published at least a month early so folks can plan.

Please let us know if there are news-worthy happenings in the railroad industry, prototypes, model railroading, etc., by submitting an article to If we don’t get an article, we can’t publish the news.

The bits of news we hear about, we publish. But with no paid reporter position, we depend on you the members of the PNR 4th Division to help us gather and disseminate the news. Our contact information is on the 4D website.

I am working on a feature for the blog that will allow us to create a “month-in-review” PDF file that anyone could download and print, but it has been problematic at best. If you can help on this effort, please contact us!