Alex Brikoff

The 4th Division Education Committee is in need of volunteers to work on the 4th Division Video Library. Stu Rogers, the current video librarian, is stepping down and would like to turn the video library over to someone else. The Education Committee will be taking charge of the library and making some improvements to the service coverage as well as the efficiency of the library. Here’s our plan:

The 4th Division Education Committee has several projects that it will be working on over the next several months. Improving the Video Library is one of them.

1. Find a new Video Library Chairman to work with me to find three additional dedicated volunteers to administer the library. The new video library chairman will take over Stu’s current duties that will include the following:

a. Have overseeing responsibility for the day to day operation of the library.
b. Maintenance of the library to insure there is no damage to the media when returned.
c. Maintain an online method of tracking checkouts and checkins of videos and DVDs.
d. Do periodic research and acquire new movies to keep the collection “fresh” and up to date as necessary within allocated budget.
e. Any other duties that may come up pertaining to the Video Library including communicating with the other three video librarians and setting up a way of transferring videos from a central location.

2. These four volunteers should be able to meet the following requirements:

a. Have the time and desire to work on an ongoing project for the 4th Division. The time commitment shouldn’t be more than a few days each month.
b. Have dependable transportation.
c. Be able to attend local clinics in their respective areas.
d. Have an email account and at least a basic computer proficiency and software knowledge, such as Microsoft Office.

3. Each of these four video librarians should live in each of the four geographic directions with Seattle being at the center. By this I mean, one should live north of Seattle, another east of Seattle and the third and fourth should live in the other two directions respectively.

If you would like to be a part of this project and participate in this 4th Division opportunity, or just to find out more about it, please contact me, 425-466-1490 or