Russ Segner

On May 18-19, about 120 of us got together at the 4D Spring Meet to learn from our fellow model railroaders and share our experiences in the hobby. Attendees came from as far away as Eastern Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia.

The Tukwila Embassy Suites was a suitable site and their staff was excellent, so much so that we have decided to hold the 2014 PNR Convention there next April. We expect that conference will as good or better. And even more of it!

If you enjoyed the 4D Spring Meet, please participate at next year’s PNR convention. We need new clinicians and more layouts and many volunteers to help with all activities planned.

I want to personally thank all the following clinicians, volunteers, and layout owners for their insights and hospitality. These people helped make a great weekend:

  • Greg Amer
  • Roger Nulton, MMR
  • Burr Stewart
  • Glenn Farley
  • JJ Johnston
  • Al Carter
  • Chuck Ricketts
  • Paul Scoles, MMR
  • Al Frasch
  • Bill Sornsin
  • Tom Beaton
  • Phil Holden
  • Brian Ferris
  • Lathan Sanford
  • Rich Blake
  • Greg Wright
  • Ken Liesse
  • Di Voss, MMR
  • Walt Huston
  • Al Lowe
  • Kevin Klettke
  • Jack Hamilton
  • Sherman Stevens
  • Ed and Gay Liesse
  • Robin Peel
  • Dan Segner

Superintendent’s Report

Ken Liesse

Russ Segner and his committee put together a great program for the Spring Meet, including some unique panel discussions on scenery, DCC, and railroad design. Special thanks to Russ Segner for his leadership in putting the day together; Kevin Klettke for developing the website and registration; Al Lowe and Doug Bulger for arranging the AV and computer equipment; Daniel Segner for keeping the computers updated and running; and Sherman Stevens and Gay Liesse for handling Registration.

At the Annual Member Meeting, held just before lunch, I gave the results of the recently held Division Election. Russ Segner was elected as our new Assistant Superintendent. Al Lowe was elected to another term as Director and is joined by new Director Michael Highsmith. Russ and Michael officially take office September 1st.

NMRA Western Director Jack Hamilton updated us on what’s happening at National; several things are coming that will be interesting to watch. When PNR President Walt Huston was asked to say a couple of words about PNR, he replied, “PNR rocks!” (Way to keep it literal, Walt!) Doug Auburg from the 2nd Division was also on hand to pitch for folks to visit Portland for the 2015 National Convention. The last Portland convention was a great success and we’re all looking forward to having National back in own area again.

The annual meeting is also when we hand out our Division’s annual awards. Unfortunately, Frank Dekker was packing for his upcoming move to Michigan, so he received his Superintendent’s Award before the day began. Frank has served the membership of 4D tirelessly and selflessly for years and he will be sorely missed. Mike Slease was the other recipient of the Superintendent’s Award for his work as the Division’s publisher, making sure everyone who is supposed to, receives any and all mailings from the Division. For years, Mike was responsible for printing and mailing Grab Iron to members.

The Golden Grab Iron Award was awarded to Russ Segner. This recognizes the Division’s outstanding member of the year and is decided on by the winners of Golden Grab Iron Award from the previous three years. Russ has contributed greatly to Division activities over the years and was instrumental in bringing the very successful Narrow Gauge Convention to the Seattle area last year. He also happens to be one pretty good model railroader! Congratulations to Russ for this well deserved honor!

Next year the 2nd Division was scheduled turn to host the PNR regional convention, but due to the above mentioned National in Portland in 2015, they asked if another division could swap years with them so they wouldn’t be burdened with putting on two conventions in two consecutive years. Our 4D stepped up and Russ Segner agreed to chair the committee for next year’s PNR convention. It won’t be hard to find, as we will meet at the same Embassy Suites in Tukwila. This year’s Spring Meet turned out to be a warm-up. So plan to attend the 2014 convention next April 23–26. Because of this, we will not hold a Spring Meet next year, but expect another in 2015.

Seven layouts were open on Sunday, May 19 for those who attended the Spring Meet. Maps to the layouts were handed out at the end of Saturday’s sessions. It was a widespread group of layouts, yet still possible to see them all in one afternoon. I want to second Russ’s “Thank You!” above to all who took the time to participate and open your layouts to your fellow modelers. And another “Thank You!” goes to all who took the time to visit.

I hope everyone who attended this year’s Meet had a good time.

Spring Meet 2013 Photos

Doug Bulger

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