Al Lowe

On May 8, 2016 at 1:30 p.m., the 4D Ballot Committee (Bill Messecar, Burr Stewart and Al Lowe) met at Al’s home. We confirmed that each ballot received was from a valid 4D member in good standing, remained sealed until we took possession, and was submitted to us before the May 1 deadline.

The results of our count are:

Total Ballots                 143
Invalid Ballots                  0

Russ Segner                  139
Write-in votes                  0

Board of Directors:
David Yadock                74
Scott Taylor                   69

Congratulations to Russ and David and our thanks to Scott and all of our 4D members who took the time and spent the effort to exercise their voting privilege.

Respectfully submitted and attested to by:
Al Lowe
William Messecar
Burr Stewart