May’s 4DPNR Layout tours will take place on May 8, at 10:00 am PST, and will feature an HO NP home layout presented by Robert Richard, and the HO club layout of the PSMRE in downtown Tacoma presented by Steve Carter.

Bob Richard, a long-time model railroader and NP railfan, has focused his HO layout on the town of Easton, WA in the 1940’s, when heavy articulated steam and the new FT diesels ruled the cascade mountains. He is copying the prototype Northern Pacific track, buildings and operations as closely as possible, and his layout tour will show us a combination of prototype photos, layout photos, and a live video demo of trains in action. Expansion plans are also on his mind, and he’s looking for input from the rest of us.

The PSMRE layout tour will give us a chance to get behind the scenes of this large layout in a working museum in downtown Tacoma, how it has transformed over the years, and how the group organizes themselves and their operations. The Puget Sound Model Railroad Engineers (PSMRE) layout is at the Washington State History Museum.  Built as a museum exhibit that also provides a challenging Operations environment, as it represents the Tacoma area in the 1950’s. Largely focused on the Northern Pacific’s operations, they operate trains from the Great Northern, Milwaukee Road and Union Pacific.

The zoom info for this meeting is shown below. As usual, we will open the meeting about 9:30am for technical checks and informal discussion, and start the layout tours at 10:00am. Please use your full name in your Zoom screen name, and add your division if you are outside the 4DPNR group, so we will know you are safe to let in from the waiting room. (As usual, this meeting will be recorded and posted on our 4DPNR YouTube channel for later viewing.)

Topic: 4DPNR Layout Tours for May 2021
Time: May 8, 2021 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 884 4055 4588